Develop a Guitar Practice Schedule
Now is as good a time as any to develop a Guitar Practice Schedule. Let's face it, if we want to be better guitar players, then we need to play! Notice that the key word here is play, not work. But, if you're anything like me, then you know how easy it is to let other demands on your time get in the way of practicing your guitar. Time management is always a challenge, but I find it helps when I write things down and can visualize my priorities.
Today I would like to help you develop a practice schedule so you'll be able to reach some of your goals as a guitar player.Every guitarist's practice schedule will differ due to personal lifestyle, job & home demands, hobbies, social life, etc. Being a beginner, intermediate or advanced guitar player will also effect how and what you practice.
As a beginner, your main goal is to develop the calluses, strength and coordination skills needed to play the guitar. Practicing 15-20 minutes a day should be enough time to accomplish this. Once you gain some proficiency on the guitar you can adjust your practice schedule according to your particular needs and desires.
It's a good idea to set aside a specific time each day when you will be able to focus on playing your guitar. Mark down this time on a calendar and keep it some place where you can see it as a reminder of your committment. Tell your family about it too. Let them know that their support is important and will help you reach your goals.
Next, take a sheet of paper and create a basic outline of what you will need to work on each day. Make sure you incorporate chords, various guitar techniques, plus tab and/or note reading skills into your practice schedule, as these are the common areas that every guitarist can use to develop their skills.
Here is an example of what your Guitar Practice Schedule might look like:
Reading Music - Use standard notation &/or tablature to learn a song, or play a single line melody.
Goal : To improve sight reading skills in order to learn new songs and guitar techniques.
Chords - Practice strumming various chords progressions and songs in different keys.
Goal: To change easily & smoothly between chords. Long term goal being to learn the fundamental chords for all 12 keys.
Performing - Memorize a song you have learned. Play it in front of someone, or record yourself.
Goal: To gain confidence and get feedback in order to improve guitar playing abilities.
Theory & Technique - study scales &/or chord structure. Incorporate slides, hammers, pull-offs, arpeggios, finger-picking and other techniques.
Goal: To increase understanding of music and improve finger dexterity on the guitar.
Fretboard - Memorize &/or review the notes on the fretboard.
Goal: To improve fretboard awareness in order to facilitate a broader range of playing options.
Review - Take time to go over any trouble spots. Concentrate on one specific area. Write down any thoughts or steps needed to improve performance &/or understanding.
Goal: To play the guitar in such a way that it produces music with a clean, clear, quality sound.
Free Time - Take time off or experiment. Play around with different sounds using your ear. Make up a chord, song or melody line. Create a repertoire so you can play the pieces you enjoy. Have some fun.
Goal: To become a creative guitarist and musician.